Fårö Document

Poster for the movie "Fårö Document"

Bergman’s documentary is a time machine, bringing us back to the small island of Fårö in the late sixties. A unique document with the islanders in the main roles and Ingmar Bergman as the reporter. Fårö Document is a political excursion through rural Sweden and one of his least...

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Cercle Rouge, Le

Poster for the movie "Le Cercle Rouge"

When French criminal Corey gets released from prison, he resolves to never return. He is quickly pulled back into the underworld, however, after a chance encounter with escaped murderer Vogel. Along with former policeman and current alcoholic Jansen, they plot an intricate jewel heist. All the while, quirky Police...

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Adios Sabata

Poster for the movie "Adios Sabata"

Set in Mexico under the rule of Emperor Maximilian I, Sabata is hired by the guerrilla leader Señor Ocaño to steal a wagonload of gold from the Austrian army. However, when Sabata and his partners Escudo and Ballantine obtain the wagon, they find it is not full of gold...

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Landlord, The

Poster for the movie "The Landlord"

At the age of twenty-nine, Elgar Enders "runs away" from home. This running away consists of buying a building in a black ghetto in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn. Initially his intention is to evict the black tenants and convert it into a posh flat. But Elgar is...

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Poster for the movie "Barquero"

Jake Remy leads a gang of outlaw cutthroats making their escape toward Mexico from a successful robbery. Barring their way is a river--crossable only by means of a ferry barge. The barge operator, Travis, refuses to be bullied into providing transport for the gang and escapes across river with...

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Hi, Mom!

Poster for the movie "Hi, Mom!"

Vietnam vet Jon Rubin returns to New York and rents a rundown flat in Greenwich Village. It is in this flat that he begins to film, 'Peeping Tom' style, the people in the apartment across the street. His obsession with making films leads him to fall in with a...

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