Cremator, The

Poster for the movie "The Cremator"

Mr. Kopfrkingl enjoys his job at a crematorium in Czechoslovakia in the late 1930s. He likes reading the Tibetan book of the dead, and espouses the view that cremation relieves earthly suffering.

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Rite, The

Poster for the movie "The Rite"

A judge in an unnamed country interviews three actors, together and singly, provoking them while investigating a pornographic performance for which they may face a fine. Their relationships are complicated: Sebastian, volatile, a heavy drinker, in debt, guilty of killing his former partner, is having an affair with that...

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Passion of Anna, The

Poster for the movie "The Passion of Anna"

Andreas, a man struggling with the recent demise of his marriage and his own emotional isolation, befriends a married couple also in the midst of psychological turmoil. In turn he meets Anna, who is grieving the recent deaths of her husband and son. She appears zealous in her faith...

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Precautions Against Fanatics

Poster for the movie "Precautions Against Fanatics"

The film features several horse trainers and other track workers talking about their roles at the track, always eventually interrupted by an older man who claims to be the true authority, and demands that they be thrown out. One recurring young man, the first to appear, claims that he...

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Poster for the movie "Sabata"

Several pillars of society have robbed an Army safe containing $100,000 so they can buy the land upon which the coming railroad will be built. But they haven't reckoned on the presence of the master gunslinger, Sabata.

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Poster for the movie "Salesman"

This documentary from Albert and David Maysles follows the bitter rivalry of four door-to-door salesmen working for the Mid-American Bible Company: Paul "The Badger" Brennan, Charles "The Gipper" McDevitt, James "The Rabbit" Baker and Raymond "The Bull" Martos. Times are tough for this hard-living quartet, who spend their days...

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Sweet Charity

Poster for the movie "Sweet Charity"

Taxi dancer, Charity continues to have faith in the human race despite apparently endless disappointments at its hands, and hope that she will finally meet the nice young man to romance her away from her sleazy life.

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Wedding Party, The

Poster for the movie "The Wedding Party"

Young Charlie begins to develop a case of cold feet as his upcoming wedding looms nearer. Desperate to throw the wedding plans off the track, Charlie tries a variety of tactics, including attempting to rekindle the relationship between his fiancée Josephine and her former boyfriend.

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