Le Doulos

Poster for the movie "Le Doulos"

Enigmatic gangster Silien may or may not be responsible for informing on Faugel, who was just released from prison and is already involved in what should be a simple heist. By the end of this brutal, twisting, and multilayered policier, who will be left to trust?

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Where the Lilies Bloom

Poster for the movie "Where the Lilies Bloom"

A family of children decide not to tell anyone their father has died, and to live on their own in the backwoods of rural North Carolina. If the state finds out they are on their own, they will be split up and sent to live in foster homes.

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Kid with the Golden Arm

Poster for the movie "Kid with the Golden Arm"

Jin bei tong opens with a group of escort guards preparing to move a shipment of gold from the local government to an area stricken by famine... one of the very few Venom films where all six Venom actors are present within a single film.

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The Fall of Ako Castle

Poster for the movie "The Fall of Ako Castle"

This is the story of "The Forty-Seven Ronin." Based on historical events in 1701-2, the movie tells the tale of the Asano clan's downfall and the revenge of its former samurai on the perpetrator of the catastrophe. Lord Asano was goaded, or tricked, into drawing his sword inside the...

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Murphy’s War

Poster for the movie "Murphy's War"

Murphy is the sole survivor of his crew, that has been massacred by a German U-Boat in the closing days of World War II. He is rescued, and ends up at a forgotten mission station near the mouth of the Orinoco, and begins to plot his vengeance. He wishes...

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The Magnificent Ruffians

Poster for the movie "The Magnificent Ruffians"

Venom regulars Philip Kwok, Chiang Sheng, and Sun Chien star as a gang of unemployed martial artists who spend their days stuffing their faces at local restaurants and letting the staff beat them up instead of paying the bill. Their fortunes appear to improve when the head of a...

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Poster for the movie "MacArthur"

The film portrays MacArthur's life from 1942, before the Battle of Bataan, to 1952, the time after he had been removed from his Korean War command by President Truman for insubordination, and is recounted in flashback as he visits West Point.

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