Magnetic Video Corporation was established by Andre Blay in 1968 in Michigan, United States. Magnetic Video was the first distributor to release VHS tapes commercially (home video) and is therefore of great historic and cultural importance, for it started a “revolution”: bringing movies into people’s homes. Magnetic Video released VHS tapes between 1977 and 1981. Magnetic Video was acquired by 20th Century Fox Video (Home Entertainment) in 1980.

Black Marble, The

Poster for the movie "The Black Marble"

When alcoholic homicide investigator Valnikov is transferred to a burglary case that seems to involve a creepy dogcatcher, he's also given a new partner -- the pragmatic Sgt. Natalie Zimmerman, who's experiencing a midlife crisis and does not welcome Valnikov's company. But as these emotionally bruised cops are drawn...

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The Omen

Poster for the movie "The Omen"

Immediately after their miscarriage, the US diplomat Robert Thorn adopts the newborn Damien without the knowledge of his wife. Yet what he doesn’t know is that their new son is the son of the devil.

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They Call Me Trinity

Poster for the movie "They Call Me Trinity"

The simple story has the pair coming to the rescue of peace-loving Mormons when land-hungry Major Harriman sends his bullies to harass them into giving up their fertile valley. Trinity and Bambino manage to save the Mormons and send the bad guys packing with slapstick humor instead of excessive...

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Lion in Winter, The

Poster for the movie "The Lion in Winter"

1183 AD: King Henry II's three sons all want to inherit the throne, but he won't commit to a choice. They and his wife variously plot to force him. An aging and conniving King Henry II of England and Ireland plans a reunion where he hopes to name his...

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Soldier Blue

Poster for the movie "Soldier Blue"

After a cavalry group is massacred by the Cheyenne, only two survivors remain: Honus, a naive private devoted to his duty, and Cresta, a young woman who had lived with the Cheyenne two years and whose sympathies lie more with them than with the US government. Together, they must...

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